Overview on Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Cancer Treatment

Przegląd Uzupełniających i Alternatywnych Leków Stosowanych w Walce z Rakiem

Date: Apr 18, 2009; Length: 21:02

Statistics shows that Americans spend more on alternative than on conventional treatments. Statistics shows that 90% of Taiwanese cancer patients will choose alternative treatment in addition to conventional surgery and chemotherapy. National Taiwan University Hospital Provides Inquiry for Herbal and… [czytaj dalej]

Tian Xian and its Anti Cancer Properties

Dr. Medycyny (PhD) Andy Sun (Taiwan): Tian Xian i jego Przeciwnowotworowe Właściwości

Date: Oct 1, 2004; Length: 30:03

Tian Xian liquid is extracted from Chinese medicinal herbs. For the past ten years, it had contributed insurmountably to cancer treatment. The pharmacology and the immunology studies of the major ingredients of Tian Xian Liquid show their ability to treat… [czytaj dalej]

Eastern Cure to a Worldwide Problem - Cancer

Dr. Siu (Malezja): Dalekowschodnia Terapia Ogólnoświatowego Problemu (Raka)

Date: Oct 1, 2004; Length: 04:00

“To cure sometimes, to relieve often, but to comfort always— that is the duty of physicians; that is the duty of all doctors.” (William Osler) It is this same duty that the Tian Xian Liquid upholds as it helps when… [czytaj dalej]

Doctor Hiroyuki Abe from Japan on Integrated Approach to Cancer Treatment

Dr. Hiroyuki Abe (Japonia): Zintegrowane Podejście w Leczeniu Raka

Date: Oct 1, 2004; Length: 25:12

When the cancer tumor is still small, it cannot be detected yet. Thus, no accurate diagnosis can be made. It is only when the tumor has grown to one gram that detection becomes possible. Once the tumor moves into a… [czytaj dalej]

Dr. Guo from China on Heart of Chang Bai Mountain - Anti-Cancer Conference

Dr. Wang Zhen Guo (Chiny): Z Samego Serca Góry Chang Bai

Date: Oct 1, 2004; Length: 17:04

The story of the Tian Xian liquid stems from the mountains of Chang Bai in North Eastern China. During those times when people neither had the means nor the resources to fight their Cancer, they would boil a traditional Chinese… [czytaj dalej]

Tian Xian as Supplement to Radiotherapy

Dr. Felicidad Felicilda (Filipiny): Tian Xian jako Cenny Suplement w Radioterapii

Date: Oct 1, 2004; Length: 18:57

Dr. Felicidad Felicilda’s quest for facts that would support alternative medicine as an approach to treatment of diseases such as cancer started five years ago. Initially a skeptic, he is now a firm believer of Tian Xian’s ability to match,… [czytaj dalej]

Dr. Sui Chai from Thailand - Anti Cancer Conference

Dr. Sui Chai (Tajlandia): Spotkanie Dwóch Ekspertów

Date: Oct 1, 2004; Length: 18:59

Cancer patients are sometimes viewed as statistics by society—statistics with no faces to vouch for their being humans. Dr. Siu Chai tells the story of one of his patients. This patient’s problem started with a serial bleeding in his ulcer…. [czytaj dalej]

Dr. Baldwin on A Time to Heal - Tian Xian Anti Cancer Conference

Dr. Ray Baldwin (USA): Czas Wyzdrowieć

Date: Oct 1, 2004; Length: 27:59

Medical science, with its tremendous growth and advancement, has offered three means of treating cancer: radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. Yet, as expensive and as developed as these tools are, none of these have actually done anything to decrease cancer incidents…. [czytaj dalej]

Tian Xian Complements Radiotherapy

Dr. Felicidad Felicilda (Filipiny): Tian Xian – Uzupełnienie Radioterapii

Date: Aug 1, 2003; Length: 24:28

Dr. Felicilda Felicidad from the Philippines talked about how Tian Xian complements radiotherapy.